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This picture looks better than 37.62% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4
This picture has been rated : 16 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Aqua One 980, 4 ft, built in filter and lights, AO heater, AO air pump, crushed shell substrate, caves made from black volcanic beach rocks and various fake corals.
Do lots of research and plan it all before you start.
Fish Kept:
2x Gold Severum, 1x Electric Blue, 1x Giraffe Cichlid, 1x Red Forest Jewel, 1x Cobwe, 1x Salmon Catfish, 1x Croaking Catfish and 1x Bristlenose Catfish.
Fake plants and corals.
About Yourself:
We have kept fish for many years and especially like Cichlids.