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The Average Score for this category is: 5.43
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United States
90 gal reef tank with one overflow. Running coralife 492w combination fixture(2-150w halides, 2-96w power compacts), sump which includes aqua euro 135 protein skimmer, mag drive 9.5 pump, 150w heater(will be replacing)using two koralia's for water movement.
patience, patience, and more patience.
Fish Kept:
Blue Powder Tang, Yellow Tang, Scopas Tang, Pair of Ocellaris Clowns, Pair of Damsels.
Have a Coral Banded Shrimp, Skunk Cleaner Shrimp.
About 15 or more turbo snails(lost count)
Two different colors of cluvaria.
Soft Coral - Colt Coral
Lps - Torch Coral, Candy Cane, Pagoda Cup,
Sps - Just added 5 frags.
A variety of polyps and mushrooms.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
I need more coral!!!!!!
About Yourself:
Been in the hobby for almost 2 years. Started with a gold fish in a vase.