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United States
35 gallon homemade wet/dry w/ 200 micron filter sock, 3gal 1" bio-balls, quite one 3000 pump (780 gph), aquaclear 30 powerhead, Jager 200w heater, coralife T-5 lighting (1 28w full spectrum bulb and 1 28w 6700k plant bulb) and 2 blue and 1 white LED lunar lights
Please leave comments, I would love to hear your comments and input, Thanks.
Research before you buy, you'll be glad you did in the end.
Fish Kept:
90gal: 2 electric yellow labs, 1 mbuna elongatus, 1 red dragon peacock, 1 eureka peacock, 1 albino eureka peacock, 1 ob peacock, 2 lamprologus tretacephaleus, 2 albino red zebra, 1 blue johanni, 1 julie scriptus, 2 brichardi, 2 pictus cat, 2 synodontis cat, 3 japanese algae eaters, 1 leopard pleco
Substrate is Aragonite Sand, Decoration is Texas Holy rock, Lava Rock, Flag stone, African drift wood and fake plants
Tank Size:
90 gallons
"Every now and then we all need to get a little Fancy" Les Claypool