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United States
My Tank is a 20 Gallon High, the tank was a a kit, but i added a heater and a better filter, its also on a 20/29 gallon stand which i assembled myself. The fish have been happy in there for a while.
Take your time, dont rush into things, and dont start too small, you will always want to go bigger. I wish i had.
Fish Kept:
*in 20 gallon tank* i have kept many others before
1 Paradise Fish
3 Black skirt Tetras
1 Swordtail
1 Raphael Catfish
5 Neon Tetras (other 5 died)
1 Sunburst Glofish (other 3 died)
1 Cherry Barb (other one died)
I really dont like this tank very much, the fish have become very boring to me.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
About Yourself:
I have always loved fish, and this was my first tank besides a lot of Bettas. I actually have a 3 gallon female betta tank, and a 1.5 gallon Male betta tank aswell. My 20 gallon tank is really small, and i wish i had gone bigger, and i have become bored with these fish. (dont worry im not going to do anything to them.) My next tank is going to be a 55 gallon saltwater tank.
Other fish i've kept not in this tank:
2 Neon Dwarf Grouamis
2 Flame Gouramis
3 Long-finned Striped danios
3 Long-finned leopard danios
2 Emerald green Corys
1 albino rainbow shark
1 Rainbow shark
1 Red tail shark (jumped out of my tank)
2 Angel Fish
4 Tiger barbs (hated them)
4 sunset platies (hated them)
3 Plecos (never had any luck with them)
2 Chinese algae eater (never had luck with them)
2 Blue Rams
3 Female bettas
4 Male bettas (i have had 1 for the last year and a half)