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This picture looks better than 56.33% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.47
This picture has been rated : 19 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
Light- 2 sets of 40W power-glo.
Filtration- rena xp3, cascade 1500.
And 2 air pumps that I dont know the brand.
just enjoy the time that you put in to it.
Fish Kept:
Gouramis, firemouths, bettas, Jack dempsey,plecos, rainbow sharks, candy-stripe loaches, red parrot fishes, Flower horn/parrot fish, King-Kong red parrot, flying foxes, green severums, gold severum, rainbow cichlid red jewel. Surinamesis Geophagus and too much to mention.
two big feather rocks, that I bought from a yard and put holes and rooms for the fishes and a pieces of drift wood.
Tank Size:
150 gallons
Get on it !
About Yourself:
I am a local 86 IronWorker. I have my two love of my life, my wife, and my daughter she is 8 months old. And I have two other fish tanks.