More Info
New York
United States
30x12x12, Marine Land filter rated for 30 g, Acura 100w submersible, 29" 15w flourescent Strip.
Do A LOT of research before you get started. It'll make your life much easier because you will start things off the right way, save money, and enjoy what you're doing because you'll be doing it right. Learn what the nitrogen cycle is and most importantly DO WATER CHANGES!
Fish Kept:
Two female bettas, one bolivian ram, 6 neon tetras, 4 otos, 5 yoyo loaches.
Two types of amazon swords, micro swords, water wisteria, some crypt type plant, marimo moss ball, java fern/moss.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
Freshwater fish love freshwater!
About Yourself:
I've loved fish and marine life for virtually all my life. I find the hobby very fun, relaxing and rewarding.