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United States
I am kinda new to this. My 5 gallon tanks with goldfish never seem to keep so I talked my love into this 10 gallon (10'' x 20'' x 12'') for my 25th birthday.
Tank equipment includes: AQUA-Tech 5-15 Power Filter with BIO-Fiber Biological Filtration, a 10’’ x 20’’ Full Incandescent Light Hood (both the hood & filter came with my tank), a Top Fin Floating Glass Aquarium Thermometer, & an Aquatic Gardens Profile Aquarium Automatic Heater (120v/60 Hz). I have recently changed the yucky yellow colored lights to some nice blue colored lights to add some mood, & I also added a deep blue sea colored background.
Always let your tank cycle first and always do your research on what you want to place in it.
Fish Kept:
I have (and I am totally not sure of everything exactly): 1 Emerald Green cory cat, 1 Albino cory cat, 1 Harlequin rasbora, 2 Starfire glofish, 2 Female guppies, & 2 Male guppies, & 1 Juvenile Angelfish - he's my ultimate Marble Angelfish. What do you think?
All Plastic Plants: 2 large, 1 medium, 4 small, 1 small feller stone rainbow rock, & 1 medium plant base (with three of the plants custom attached to it), & 1 small custom broken pot.
Tank Size:
10 gallons
"Life isn't like a box of chocolates, but more like a Jar of Jalapenos.. What you do today might burn your butt tomorrow! Therapy is expansive, Bubble wrap is cheap.. YOU CHOOSE!"
About Yourself:
Let's see.. I'm 25 and I currently reside with my love of 6 years here in Reno, Nevada. My favorite fish is a Koi but all pet stores tell me that a 10 gallon wouldn't be good for it. I also have fallen in love with a Pictus Catfish recently, but once again they tell me not unless I want it by itself. When i get a place of my own I plan on getting several large tanks (to include saltwater tanks). I once had a beautiful koi that was all black with a bright golden yellow tummy. He was so cool but he passed on.