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This picture looks better than 7.5% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.87
This picture has been rated : 15 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.43
More Info
West Virginia
United States
70 gallon community tank. Home made stand. Lots of tlc required
Bleach is bad
Fish Kept:
1 lemon tetra, 5 ghost tetras, 1 tiger barb, 1 orange platy, 1 black small angelfish,1 giant danio, 1 green cory, 1 albino cory,2 hatchfish, 1 irredesint shark, 1 powder blue guarami, 1 flame guarami, and 1 golden dojo loach
1 amazon sword and 1 red melon sword
Tank Size:
70 gallons
Even the greatest scientist in the world still haven't figured out how to turn grass into milk.
About Yourself:
Straight a high school student. Bought tank 10 weeks ago. It was in pretty bad shape and has taken many nights for me to get it where I want it. It is my first tank. I'm a ffa member, took a replacement heifer to the fair for my first time this year. I got second in the second class and a blue ribbon. I loved it and there's nothing like it. I've raised chickens since I was five, and currently have 16. I help my dad and uncle raise 140 head of cattle, enjoy every minute of it. I, myself, have 9 head of cattle that have gown from 1 cow my dad gave me for christmas the year before last.