Photo #3 - White Diamond - 1 Labeo Bicolor 2 Neolamprologu...

freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - snow white discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - White Diamond
Submitted By: Kevin Nanaumi on
Photo Caption: White Diamond
60 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - More recent shot of my main African tank.
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus demasoni - demasoni cichlid stocking in 60 gallons tank - A little Father and Son brawl over the nice cave in the corner.
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - snow white discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - White Diamond
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - snakeskin discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Snow Snakeskin Leopard
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - red marlboro discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Red Scarlet
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - pigeon blood discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Our Older Pigeon Blood
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - snakeskin discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - One of the New Snakeskin
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - pigeon blood discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Our Newest Little Pigeon Blood
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - pigeon blood discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Our Newest Pigeon Blood.. it caught our eye right away at the LFS
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - The Bluest Diamond
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - snakeskin discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Leopard Skin
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Blue Diamond Duet
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - red turquoise discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Discus Tornado forms whenever suppertime arrives.
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - snow white discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - White Diamond Discus
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - red marlboro discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Our Possible Pair, I'm going to move them to their own 20 gallon tank to see if anything happens... I have my fingers crossed.. wish us luck!!!
freshwater fish - symphysodon spp. - pigeon blood discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Checkerboard Discus
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - snow white discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - Four Adults Only!!! White Diamond, Checkerboard, Scarlet, and Pigeon Blood.
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - red marlboro discus stocking in 60 gallons tank - A Few of our Discus. Blue Daimond, Checkerboard, Red Scarlet, Pigeon Blood, and Brilliant Blue Discus.
60 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - My main African mixed tank is doing very well. Several breedings have been happening constantly, and keeping me very busy as well. I added a couple more Synodontis Multipunctatus (My all time favorite Cat) and I'm hoping for some spawns from them. My Electric Blue is holding again for her second time, I can't wait for them! I'm in the works of getting my father's tank to replace this one, just gotta figure out how to get it over to my place. My Electric Blue couple just released 42 fry, plus the 3 babies I could only save from the first batch. I can't wait for these guys to get bigger.

Rank Info

Ranked #2094 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 72.06% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.94
This picture has been rated : 36 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: I set this tank up after I got my own place. Several changes have occured since then, but the tank is doing very well at the moment. I am looking into taking over my father's tank, when I figure out how to move it over to my place. I added a daylight and blue actinic light to bring out some more of the colors in the tank. I have a standard double air pump with a wall of bubbles come up in the background. I try my best to lay off of the plants as much as I can, but sometimes I add it for a couple more hiding places for the smaller ones/females. I use lots of Lace rock, (I love the look) and I have added a bit of driftwood. Filters I use a few Whisper Tetras, but I am looking to switch to something else sometime in the future.
Advice: Patience... the most important thing is patience.. but it's also the hardest to do too. Do your research on all equipment and know what your buying and using. Money can be wasted from both equipment and your fish. Some stuff I lucked out on, many things I found that can be much easier in matenience/ and overall use. Then ther are things you just buy because of the price... I really wasted a bit of money on horrible heaters.. within a few months all they do is take up room in the trash can now. I now have learned my lesson and before buying anything I now do TONS of research online, and over the phone.. trying to get as many opinions and suggestions as possible.. Most of the time you will find a pattern in peoples opinions. Nothing is better than having a great, easy, healthy, and beautiful aquarium... the horrible thing is losing those gorgeous finds because you rushed into something your not certain of. Don't learn the hard way.. it's really not worth it, trust me!
Fish Kept: 1 Labeo Bicolor 2 Neolamprologus Brichardi 1 Pseudotropheus Socolofi Albino 1 Pseudotropheus Saulosi 1 Metriaclima Lombardoi 2 Metriaclima Barlowi 3 Metriaclima Greshakei 5 Labidochrommis Caeruleus 4 Neolamprologus Pulcher 1 Nimbochromis Livingstonii 1 Neolamprologus Tetracanthus 2 Neolamprologus Leleupi 1 Altolamprologus Calvus 1 Pleco 3 OB Peacock Hybrid 1 Aulonocara Stuartgranti German Red 2 Sciaenochromis Fryeri 1 Pseudotropheus Elongatus 1 Altolamprologus Calvus (Gold) 1 Dimidiochromis Compressiceps 1 Pseudotropheus Demasoni 4 Synodontis Multipunctatus 1 Copadichromis Borleyi 1 Neolamprologus Sexfasciatus (Gold) 1 Heros Efasciatus (Gold) 1 Cyphotilapia Frontosa 2 Lamprologus Brevis 2 Neolamprologus Buescheri 1 Synodontis Angelicus
Corals/Plants: Cambomba
Tank Size: 60 gallons
Quote: "Creativity Is Infinite"
About Yourself: I started off with aquariums with my father when I was around 5 years old. Back then, I was more of the cleaner/maintenience boy then anything else. Now that I have my own place, I have 9 tanks, looking into getting a tenth soon (takeover my father's tank) I have been recently spending most of my time doing my Discus homework. I have a great set-up now with 11 Discus total, and I want to try and start breeding them. My main African tank is doing very well, I am carrying wellover a hundred different sorts of fry.. our last batch was 42 Electric Blues.. which I am really excited about. I'm having so much fun with this hobby, I can wait to pass it on someday.


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