Photo #1 - My Red Melon Discus Swimming In Her Pretend Saltw...

Submitted By: Teresa on
Photo Caption: My Red Melon Discus swimming in her pretend saltwater tank. All decorations are completely fake and freshwater safe. Just in case any of you Discus lovers were wondering. 55 Gallon 6 Discus only.1- Red melon 4.5 inches, 1-Lg 6 inch blue, 1-2.5" clobolt green,1- 2.5" Red melon,1- 3.0" orange & 1- 3.0" Blue Diamond.
freshwater fish - red melon discus stocking in 46 gallons tank - My Red Melon Discus swimming in her pretend saltwater tank. All decorations are completely fake and freshwater safe. Just in case any of you Discus lovers were wondering. 55 Gallon 6 Discus only.1- Red melon 4.5 inches, 1-Lg 6 inch blue, 1-2.5" clobolt green,1- 2.5" Red melon,1- 3.0" orange & 1- 3.0" Blue Diamond.
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - discus stocking in 46 gallons tank - Bet you thought this tank was put in the wrong category. This is my 55 Gallon freshwater Discus tank. I wanted a saltwater look with the beauty of Discus. Most people do not even know what discus are. First thing the average person say's is, Nice saltwater tank!! What kind of colorful fish are they? Just wanted to be a little different.
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 46 gallons tank - My baby Discus being hand fed in one of my 46 gallon Bow Fronts
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - red marlboro discus stocking in 46 gallons tank - Did you think this was a saltwater tank? I just thought my Discus would look different with saltwater decorations. 55 Gallon discus only tank. All freshwater safe. Coral, Substrate everything.
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - blue diamond discus stocking in 46 gallons tank - My Baby DIscus swimming in my 46 Gallon Bow front. Love these Fish!!!!
46 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 46 Gallon Bow Front, no live plants, R/O water only!!! U.V sterilizer. Black Marble Angel, Mollies,Platies, Algae eaters & bottom feeders.

Rank Info

Ranked #6172 out of 7493 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 17.63% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.37
This picture has been rated : 49 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: New Jersey
Country: United States
Description: 46 Gallon Bow Frt, Odyssea 4 canister filter, Penguin Bio wheel 350, 9 watt U.V sterilizer, 200 watt Jager heater. I use only R/O water.
Advice: The best advice I can give to any new hobbyists are to do your water changes and do not get lazy! The cleaner your tank the healthier your fish. I do water changes weekly and monthly filter maintenance and my fish could not be happier!!
Fish Kept: I only have 1 black Angel, Platies & Mollies that have babies every other month. 2 Algae eaters and 2 bottom feeders.
Corals/Plants: All plants are silk, nothing live.
Tank Size: 46 gallons
Quote: Only the strong survive !!!
About Yourself: I am a cancer survior, this hobby has been a life saver!!! It is so relaxing and peaceful. I have come to appreciate the most out of life. I can only suggest if you take pride in anything you do, this hobby is most satisfying. The average person who see's your work are almost alway's in amazement, and want to start the fish craze themselves.


hi melly1525 love your tank i will like to kno if a 35gal hexagon tank is good size for two discus baby & live plants & are discus realy that hard to take care off like some people say i always wanted them love there colors fish avatar


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