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This picture looks better than 84.64% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.47
This picture has been rated : 53 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
3ft, 44gal tank.
Low light - 1.4wpg, no CO2.
Eheim 2215,
2 X 30W T8s (power-glo and aqua-glo).
Fertilise with EI light, Flourish root tabs, Excel daily.
Do lots of research before you spend your hard earned!
Fish Kept:
Firehead tetras, neon tetras, albino diamond-scale angels, koi angel,
golden gouramis, otos, blue rams, bristlenose plecs.
Anubias lanceolata, anubias berteri, telenthera, dwarf hair grass, temple plant, willow leaf hygro, compact hygro, anubias, java fern, crypts.
Tank Size:
44 gallons
To thine own self be true.
About Yourself:
Learned a lot since I first set up my tank. Tend to get a little obsessive with these things.