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This picture looks better than 47.66% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.25
This picture has been rated : 48 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
4ft Long.. 23 inches High..15 inches Wide Custom Tank.. 10mm Glass.. Custom Built Wood Stand & Hood.. Aqua one 150L P/H & 200L P/H filters, Aqua one 4 ft grow light, Fluval Heater
Precision air pump, Aqua one Bubble Wall.. (recommended)..
FAKE is CHEAPER and EASIER..Don't throw things Inside.. Choose types of fish carefully.. Check at your Pet Shop for White Spot and other Diseases.. Prevention is Cheaper than the Cure..
Fish Kept:
2 x Silver Sharks, 2 x Moonlight Gourami, 2 x Angelfish, 1 x Yellow gourami, 5 x Half Moon Tetras, 5 x Lemon Tip Tetras, 5 x Black Tip Tetras, 2 x Yellow feeder fish, 5 x Striped Barbs, 5 x Blue-eyed Tetras, 1 x Black shark, 1 x Black Knife Ghost fish, 3 x Khulie Loaches, 5 x Bristlenose catfish, 1 x Large cytradontus, 2 x Pictus catfish, 2 x Plecostamus..
Fake Reef Corals and Plants..Neon..
You Break It.. You Bought It..
About Yourself:
..Steve Irwin Fan..