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This picture looks better than 37.56% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.98
This picture has been rated : 57 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
Trinidad Tobago
120 Gallon Fresh Water
Fish Kept:
SOUTH A --Green Terror,Albino Oscar
NORTH A -Convicts, Jack Dempsy
AFRICA - Blue Colbolt, Cherry Red zebra, Yellow Lab Frontosa, Albino Sunshine Peacock
BRAZIL -Glaxy Pleco,Gold Nugget Pleco
My tank is filled with fish from all over the world and i continue to add ,
ROCKS Marble, Mixed with Utah Ice.
PLANTS.... Grass
Tank Size:
120 gallons
About Yourself:
Not From Trinidad But the Spice Isle Grenada