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United Kingdom
Aqua One 900 with external sump, two large power heads for good movement. two small blue spot lights for the evening
Cleaner shrimps and wrasse are important for the health of the fish. Dont over do hermit crabs unless you have no coral because they will move it and wreck it, 6 small ones are fine for a tank as small as mine. Take time placing fish in the tank
Fish Kept:
Yellow Tang, Mandrin, Maroon Clown, Copper banded butterfly, Cleaner wrasse
Too many to name but a good mixture of stoney and soft
Tank Size:
45 gallons
Aqua Scape
About Yourself:
I have been doing this for almost two years, im on my second tank because I started with a nano. I have had almost every problem happen to my tank from electrical failiure which wiped out everything to whitespot that wiped everything a year later. im in the process of building up my fish slowly again.