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This picture looks better than 91.67% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.88
This picture has been rated : 16 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
l x b x h: 200cm x 30cm x 40cm
Wood: Mangrove root
Stones: flatstones from local river Inn(cleaned and boiled)
sand:red and white Quartz (1 to 4 mm)
Light: 2x Tropical de Luxe,type Amazon Day
Take your time and enjoy the waterworld with patience.
Fish Kept:
2x Julidochromis Marlieri.
2x Neolamprologus Bricardi.
2x Neolamprologus Leleupi.
2x Neolamprologus Leleupi Orange.
2x Altolamprologus Calvus
Valesniria Spiralis.
Tank Size:
63 gallons
A day not laughed is a day not lived
About Yourself:
Started for 20 years with classic fishtank.
After 1 year I started with Malawi fish. 3 years ago I build a smaller tank and switched to smaller Tanganyika fish. They are small, colourfull and have a strong caracter.