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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.22
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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
This is my newly set up 55 gallon freshwater planted tank. The plants still need to grow some! I have a fluval 4 in tank filter and a hydor 4 in tank aerator. Like everything to be tucked away neatly! Lights & heater are standard that came with the tank.
read books, check the internet before you go ahead with anything. Aquariums aren't a hobby to be rushed!
Fish Kept:
6 Platies, 2 cory cats, 2 german gold rams, 1 german blue ram, 3 von rio tetras, 3 fruity tetras, 1 yoyo loach, 1 plec, 1 skunk botia, 3 white clouds, 3 gold barbs, chinese butterly loach, 3 ghost catfish, 7 cardinal tetras, 1 dojo loach, 2 ranchovii killifish, 2 guentheri killifish & a red dwarf gourami!
Amazon Sword, Melon Sword, Water Wisteria, Bleheri, Cambomba, Ludwigia Inclinata and a bunch of others I don't know the names of but look lovely!
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
This is my 2nd tank here in the US. Started with a 20 gallon and have now progressed to a 55 gallon