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United States
I have 2 nova extreme pro t-5 lighting with a total off 648 watts total,5 power heads all diffrent brands, marineland magnum 300 canister filter used for water buffing only, mag 18 return pump, octopus cone skimmer with the bubble blast pump,30 gallon sump with refugium, jbj auto top off system, 6 gallon water holding tank with a 100 gallon a day ro/di unit from air water and ice.about 100'120 lbs. of live rock 80 lbs of live sand
Read, read ,read There is alot of good info out there on the internet Take your time and get a good ro unit air water and ice sell nice ones at a good price. Buy good stuff the first time or you WILL!!! regret it down the road and will spend more money
Fish Kept:
powder blue tang, yellow tang blue velvet damsel, 4 blue with yellow tail damsels, 2 clowns, 1 coral bandet shrimp, 1 sea star 1 sea urchin, trubo snails, blue herment crabs
green star polyps kenya tree, brain coral pineapple, hairy mushroom, brain coral, xina alot of it weed of the sea is what i call it,recordea mushroom, zoanthus, condy anemone,purple maxima clam
Tank Size:
120 gallons
About Yourself:
Started out with fresh water. A buddy from work had a saltwater tank that he was always talking about it I tore down my 55 fresh water and started a saltwater tank then turned into me buying 120 gallon tank