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This picture looks better than 41.11% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.73
This picture has been rated : 45 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
125 oceanic. coralife lighting 3 250watt MH and 4 96watt power compacts with night lights in one unit. E.T.S.S R30P refugium. Coralife 220 protein skimmer. Mag drive 1200 return pump. 4 Accela pumps sp1-1000 hooked up to an Accela wave maker.
Read as much as you can about what you want to do to your reef before you do it.
Fish Kept:
Tangs-red sea and purple. GOBIES-randall,blue spot watchman,engineer,scissortail,transparent cave. BLENNIES-regular and red scooters,mandarin and midas. Yellow Damsel. WRASSES-bluesided and six line. Dwarf Lionfish. HAWKFISH-spotted.BRITTLE STARS-green, fancy yellow and pink bubble. SERPANT STARS-red and tiger striped.
Mosty LPS. bubble anemone, zoos and polyps.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
About Yourself:
Union Painter, Love sports and played them all my life. Reef tanks are my new hobby and I LOVE IT.......