Photo #5 - Pleco All Fluffed Up And Ready For Another Treat

freshwater fish - hypostomus punctatus - trinidad pleco stocking in 75 gallons tank - PLECO ALL FLUFFED UP AND READY FOR ANOTHER TREAT
Submitted By: kamryn on
75 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 75 gallon "fresh" open water tank...
corals inverts - procambarus sp. - hammers cobalt blue lobster stocking in 75 gallons tank - Our Electric Blue Lobster just got done molting his outer shell and is now twice the size he was!
freshwater fish - piaractus brachypomum - red belly pacu stocking in 75 gallons tank - PACU IS GROWING UP...i GUESS IT IS ALL OF THE PEANUTS WE FEED HIM !
freshwater fish - piaractus brachypomum - red belly pacu stocking in 75 gallons tank - Pacu is now 7-8" long and loves to eat unsalted peanuts...
freshwater fish - hypostomus punctatus - trinidad pleco stocking in 75 gallons tank - PLECO ALL FLUFFED UP AND READY FOR ANOTHER TREAT
freshwater fish - microgeophagus altispinosa - bolivian ram stocking in 75 gallons tank - These rams come out of South America and get 3-4 inches long when full grown.
freshwater fish - microgeophagus altispinosa - bolivian ram stocking in 75 gallons tank - We now have 2 Bolivian Rams in the tank...These are a fun fish to watch and very beautiful too !
freshwater fish - barbus schwanefeldi - tinfoil red tail barb stocking in 75 gallons tank - WE HAVE 3 TINFOIL BARBS IN THE TANK. THEY ARE ABOUT 4 1/2" LONG.
freshwater fish - barbus schwanefeldi - tinfoil red tail barb stocking in 75 gallons tank - TINFOIL BARB...THESE GET ABOUT 12" LONG...YOU CAN SEE HIS LITTLE FRIEND IN THE BACK...HE IS A TIGER BARB.
freshwater fish - piaractus brachypomum - red belly pacu stocking in 75 gallons tank - RED BELLY PACU...HE LIKES TO EAT PEANUTS & IS ABOUT 5" LONG. HE IS SPOTTED LIKE A TROUT!
freshwater fish - piaractus brachypomum - red belly pacu stocking in 75 gallons tank - RED BELLY PACU & TINFOIL BARB
fish tank picture - We made a tunnel out of the large rocks that the fish swim through...The Pleco likes in under there because it is shaded for him...The 5 large rocks in the tank weigh 67 lbs.
fish tank picture - The old jug is over 20" tall & the fish swim through it...There is 60 lbs of gravel that has been added...If you look under the old jug you can see the cave that the Blue Lobster dug under the rock all by himself...
fish tank picture - This guy is the most active critter in the whole tank...He crawls up and over large rocks just like a spider... he dug himseld a cave under the big rocks & even climbs to the top of the tallest 18" plants...
fish tank picture - The King of the tank...Blue Lobster...This guy will eat most anything...
freshwater fish - hypostomus punctatus - trinidad pleco stocking in 75 gallons tank - 8" spotted Pleco strutting like a Peacock...

Rank Info

Ranked #861 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 88.51% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.64
This picture has been rated : 44 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.50

More Info

State: Oregon
Country: United States
Description: 75 gallon Marineland tank with an Eclipse filter & light system... 48"L x 20"T x 18"W...we bought a wider tank so that when the fish get bigger they still can swim freely. The Tinfoil Barbs & the Red Belly Pacu grow to about 12" in length...
Advice: Test your water and do 25% water changes every week...& I mean every week! Buy a Python water changing system, it is a must have item and makes water changes no problem at all...No more buckets!!
Fish Kept: Tinfoil Barbs, Red Belly Pacu, Tiger Barb, Pleco and the King..Blue Lobster...The tanks owner! :)
Corals/Plants: Both live and fake plants..
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Quote: Love your kids..Always..."Family comes first"
About Yourself: I think I am getting addicted to this hobby! I have two tanks set up now and want more! I would like to build a 200+ gallon tank...and also have a custom African tank...


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