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This picture has been rated : 146 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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5ft x 2ft x 3ft
Weipro Skimmer SA2018
x 2 MH 20k 150w aquahouse
x 2 Atlas 30 000
Atman AT-107
6` Cooling Fan
x 3 4ft T5 Coral blue light
Setting up a marine reef aquarium setup requires lots and lots of knowledge . One must be prepared to spend a great deal of time and effort studying water chemistry and fish & invertebrate biology. A reef tank takes a long time to mature so you need to build the eco-system in the tank which is sustainable, ensuring that the system is able to support itself before introducing more livestock or more sensitive species. So never overstock and always be patient.
Fish Kept:
Yellow Tang
Blue Tang
Yellow Damselfish
Blue Damselfish
Yellow Wrasse
Yellow Fin Fairy Wrasse
Ocellaris Clownfish
Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish
Six line wrasse
Glove Polyp
Button Polyp
Colony Polyps
Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral, Green Tips
Brain Worm Platygyra Coral
Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral, Brown
Tree Coral, Green
Trumpet Coral
Brain Coral, Trachyphyllia
Frogspawn Coral – Branched
Hammer / Anchor Coral, Branching
Cup Coral, Pagoda
Plate Coral, Short Tentacle
Bubble Coral, Pearl
Tank Size:
250 gallons