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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
this is my reef well at least it is turning in to a reef it is 75 gallon with a 30 gallon refugium where i have several types plants it has a coral life 125 skimmer on it a 42 watt u v sterilizer a 1 aqua pure power head 1 koralia 2 powerhead and 1 cheap power head it also has 2 magnum 350 canisters on it my refugium sees about 900 gallons of water an hour and my lights are dual satelite 4 by 65 watt with the lunar lighting planning on going to halides as soon as i can afford it
read and listen to people and learn from trial and error belive me it's an expensive lesson youll become obsessed with wear you screwed up. it is fun to watch it grow
Fish Kept:
porcipine puffer, short horned gnarled cowfish, fox face rabbit fish, humu humu trigger, a pair of mated coral banded shrimp, arrow crab, 2 big hermit crabs, about 20 little blue leg hermit crabs, 2 porcelain crabs,
several types of macro algae, mermaid shaving brushes, a few pollops, 1 rock flower anemone, 1 flat brown anemone, 1 condy anemone, 1 haitian pink tip anemone
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
this is a great hobby lots of fun to be had but the down size is it's expensive but hey it's only money right you can't take it with you