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This picture looks better than 66.83% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.79
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
76/41/46, 143L tank. The tank is a AquaOne Euroview. My filtration system is AquaOne Aquis 700 canister filter. My heater is the 35cm Aquaone Heater. Aquaone 2500 air pump.
Have your tank the way you like it, and the way your fish will.
Fish Kept:
1x Labidochromis caeruleus (Electric Yellow)
2x : Iodotropheus sprengerae (Rusty Cichlid)
1x Haplochromis sp (Flameback)
1x Labidochromis sp. (Hongi)
1x Pseudotropheus crabro (Bumblebee)
1x Sciaenochromis fryeri (Blue Hap)
1x Cynotilapia afra (C Afra)
1x Ancistrus sp. (Bristlenose Catfish)
1x Aulonocara baenschi (Yellow Peacock)
1x Maingano
1x Red Zebra
2x Unknown Hybirds
3x Anubia
8 Pieces (60lbs) of White, Texas Holey Rock
Tank Size:
43 gallons
A man is not judged by his body but by his mind
About Yourself:
I am a 16yo student at Newington College and it just grew on me, i went to an aquarium shop once, and i couldnt leave, i just became addicted, every saturday i go to my favorite shop Aquariums@Asquith, i read books, i search the web, I just can't get enough!