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United States
My tank is a fresh water African cichlid tank I have 2 cichlis in a 55 gallon I have a cobalt blue zebra, and a maingano cichlid,also I have a thomasi pleco l,juli catfish, and a emrald green catfish and a70 gallon fluval pump filter and a 60 gallon tetra filter and a 55 gallon power jet also with a fluval sky effects 3000- 25000k led high powered lighting system..for sand I have 40 pounds of aragonite substrate and about 4-5 pounds of black sand
Always check your water weekly and do water changes weekly.. Do your best to keep the fish happy once you do that smooth sailing ahead fellow fish lovers
Fish Kept:
Cobalt Blue Zebra Cichlid, maingano,rubin red peacock,juli catfish,emerald green Cory?2,thomasi pleco,rio-negro pleco
Regular plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons