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This picture looks better than 20.58% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.47
This picture has been rated : 17 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
48x13x20 inch, t5 double strips for planted FW tanks, 1 whisper 30 gallon filter, 1 cascade 30 gallon filter, 1 bubble wand with 10 gallon pump, 2 heaters each 150 watts submersible
when ever you put fish in your tank, always research them before you purchase them
especially with cichlids it's very important because of different aggression levels
Fish Kept:
3 yellow labs (Labidochromis caeruleus),
3 kenyi's (Metriaclima Lombardoi), 3 auratus (Melanchromis auratus), 6 giant danios, 3 kuhli loaches, 1 red zebra (metriaclima estheral), 6 short finned serpae tetras, 1 bristlenose pleco
2 anubis,
2 onion plants,
2 amazon sword plants,
2 long leafed plants, forgot the name
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Do it right the first time around, or at least learn outa your mistakes