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The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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90 gal vho lights with dusk and night lights,in-tank and below- tank sumps with filter in the below sump. Tank is 6 months old.
read, and a quarantine tank is a must
Fish Kept:
1 tang, 1damsil, 1chromis, 2clowns, 2 jawfish, 3 peppermint shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp,15 hermit crabs, 4 dwarf blue leg crabs, 2 horseshoe crabs, 4 emerald crabs, 15 turbo snails, 5 bumbulebee snails, 1blue linckia sea star, 1sand siftting star, 1 marble sea star and1 tuxedo pincushion urchin
trumpet coral, pineapple brain coral, green bubble coral, kenya tree coral, long tentacle plate coral, leather coral, long spaghetti fingered leather coral, a brain coral, a donut coral, an orange tube coral, a waving hand coral, a bulb anemone, a sand anemone, and many different mushrooms includeing blue striped, red, browns.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
About Yourself:
started the reef tank with my son after spending a year with freshwater (still have the freshwater ) and whent with a reef after this tank was given to us. Have started a quarantine tank astrying to catch the critters after they are in with the live rock as well as the ones you get from the live rock can be a tricky.