Photo #7 - Another Fish...i Forgot What Kind

freshwater fish - sciaenochromis fryeri - electric blue hap stocking in 30 gallons tank - another fish...i forgot what kind
Submitted By: unclebuck on
Photo Caption: another fish...i forgot what kind
freshwater fish - haplochromis sp. 44 - haplochromis obliquidens stocking in 30 gallons tank - A portion of our 55 gallon cichlid tank
freshwater fish - ctenopoma acutirostre - leopard ctenopoma stocking in 30 gallons tank - tire track eel, leaf fish, and gsp in the background
freshwater fish - tetraodon nigroviridis - green spotted puffer stocking in 30 gallons tank - Our oldest puffer and our eel
30 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - Our 30 gallon with 2 green spotted puffers, 1 tire track eel, and 1 leaf fish, and 1 bristlenose pleco...i uploaded the pic under freshwater tank, but they put it under reef's actually brackish water
freshwater fish - labidochromis caeruleus - electric yellow cichlid stocking in 30 gallons tank - our yellow lab and obliqueden babies...and a few mystery babies
30 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Our 40 gallon cichlid baby tank...3 generations of babies in here + 1 bristlenose pleco
freshwater fish - sciaenochromis fryeri - electric blue hap stocking in 30 gallons tank - another fish...i forgot what kind
freshwater fish - neolamprologus brichardi - brichardi cichlid stocking in 30 gallons tank - one of our fish...I forgot what kind
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus acei - acei cichlid stocking in 30 gallons tank - Our blue acei with the johanni peeking in on the bottom....
freshwater fish - labidochromis caeruleus - electric yellow cichlid stocking in 30 gallons tank - One of our male yellows...
freshwater fish - haplochromis sp. 44 - haplochromis obliquidens stocking in 30 gallons tank - our breeding pair of obliquidens
freshwater fish - haplochromis sp. 44 - haplochromis obliquidens stocking in 30 gallons tank - some of our fish... venustus, johanni, and female obliquiden
freshwater fish - pseudotropheus acei - acei cichlid stocking in 30 gallons tank - another view of our 55... you can see our huge blackbelt cichlid, acei,frontosa,johanni,and electric yellow
freshwater fish - haplochromis sp. 44 - haplochromis obliquidens stocking in 30 gallons tank - Our 55 gallon
freshwater fish - nimbochromis venustus - venustus cichlid stocking in 30 gallons tank - our venustus
freshwater fish - labidochromis caeruleus - electric yellow cichlid stocking in 30 gallons tank - Our momma yellow lab...she has babies like crazy!
freshwater fish - melanochromis johannii - johanni cichlid stocking in 30 gallons tank - Our only johannii, aka Lil' Wayne, Weezy F. Baby

Rank Info

Ranked #6285 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 16.13% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.32
This picture has been rated : 22 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13

More Info

State: Louisiana
Country: United States
Description: We have a 55 gallon tank nicley fitted in a wall between our living room and kitchen...we love the view from both sides!!
Advice: Buy fish you really love; they make the tank. Also, a good light is crucial if you want your fish to look their prettiest.
Fish Kept: 55 GAL:1 Blackbelt cichlid, 1 Johanni cichlid, 1 venustus, 2 Acei, 2 frontosas, 2 obliquidens (breeding pair), 3 electric yellows(breeding pair + 1 male), and 2 fish i'm not sure of. 30 GAL: 2 green spotted puffers, 1 african leaf fish, and 1 tire track eel. 40 GAL: lots of our cichlid's babies...our cichlids in the 55 gal breed a lot
Corals/Plants: All fake plants(cichlids eat the real ones and sometimes pull up the fake ones too), seashells, wood, and a variety of rocks. The bottom of the tank is covered with brown gravel
Tank Size: 30 gallons
About Yourself: We have 3 tanks and can't wait until we have enough room for another one!


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