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This picture looks better than 12.18% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.13
This picture has been rated : 52 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United Kingdom
beech, stand and tank, with external and internal filter. background, root ornaments. 48x20x24, two standard lighting tubes.
if you think that want to up-grade in the future, buy large tank to start with, it saves money.
Fish Kept:
Rio 300
4x Geophagus brasiliensis, 1x Geophagus Juripari, 4x Geophagus agrostrickta, 6x Convicts, 2x Texas cichlid, 5x clown loach, 2x ancistrus, 1x common pleco, 2x Basket mouth cichlid, 3x Featherfin catfish, 1x cuckatoo catfish,1x Blue acara, 1x Oscar, 1x clown knife fish
14x Silver dollar, 4x Red hook metynnis, 4x spotted metynnis, 1x yellow hook metynnis, 4x filament barbs, 3x golden shark barbs, 1x Sajica, 2x Golden severum, 2x Oscar
5x oscar, 1x Red head cichlid, 1x parrot cichlid, 2x senegal bichir, 2x Hoplo catfish, 1x Chocolate cichlid
Not all in the same tank oviously, that would be cruel.
Just plastic.
Tank Size:
66 gallons
big is good
About Yourself:
One day i hope to own a RTG arowana and 300 gallon tank to house it.