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New York
United States
75 gallon with built in mega overflow. Reef octopus skimmer, eshopps sump,2 tunze powerheads, (4) SOL Blue LED Modules, 25 watt UV filter.
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Fish Kept:
2 True Perc clownfish, yellow tang, flame angel, diamond watchman goby, spotted angelfish, Blue Tang
2 fighting conchs, 2 sea serpents, 8 cleaner and blood shrimps, many snails and hermits.
torch coral, rasta leather, purple leather, yellow leather, various mushrooms and zoas,duncan, dendro, Aussie blastomussa and micromussa, trumpet coral, lobo and trach, brain coral, toadstool, pulsing xenia, giant palm tree,
Red Planet, Several Acropora corals, Plating Montipora Corals, Reverse Prism, and more.
Tank Size:
75 gallons