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This picture looks better than 9.93% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3
This picture has been rated : 27 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.43
More Info
United States
freshwater, 250 gaL, community tank, multi fish types
Change water at least 2 times a month, purchase a LARGE filter if you plan on having alot of fish. Compare fish types BEFORE purchasing SOME fish do not get along
Fish Kept:
all kinds mix fish, africans, cory cats, mollies,clown fish and many others
mostly plastic - many are hand made by myself. I have a few live plants - vals only.
Tank Size:
250 gallons
I know what you can do.....
About Yourself:
I have been keeping fish for more then 20 years - never tried salt water. I love to spend time watching the habits of my fish - it is very fun to watch them inter-act with each other.
Never give up on your fish - they seem to have 9 lives.