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48"x18"x18" artificial snail shell 4 pcs ,plastic plants,pebbels ,marbel pics etc 72 watts(36+36 watt pll tubes) compact optics florescent tube lights, sobo 3880 roof top filter(2500l/h),sobo 880 roof top filter for activated charcoal and under gravel filter(600l/h),azoo under gravel filter plate 2',atman 300 watt thermostat heater, sobo air pump 3.5 watt (4 l/min) ,sobo magnetic scrubber.
keep the aquarium clean and full of oxygen for healthy fish also try variety of food for the choice of them they will enjoy it and grow faster have happy fish
Fish Kept:
2 orenda gold,4bubble eye,1 pearl sceale,1 subincin gold,2 red cap orenda,2black moore, 2 short body rencyu, 2 pelco, 1 tiger shark,1 albino shark, 2 rainbow shark,2 albino rainbow shark, 5 silver shark(bala shark),4 red gold
artifical decoration,apple snail,green turtle
Tank Size:
68 gallons
fish are the best tension buster
About Yourself:
i love my fish so much first i stared with a small bowl with a goldfish about 5 years ago then a 20 gallon then an othe 15 gallon then 2 20 gallon each then a 35 gallon now finally all set up to be comes to 68 gallon and a new 118 gallon is waiting for new members in family prbably discus or parrot fish