Photo #24 - Rainbow Shark And Bubble Eye Gold

freshwater fish - epalzeorhynchos frenatus - rainbow shark stocking in 68 gallons tank - rainbow shark and bubble eye gold
Submitted By: pawan on
Photo Caption: rainbow shark and bubble eye gold
68 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - new setup with green florocent aqua light
fish tank picture - my new setup for tank same with white light both lighting i am having
fish tank picture - same tank with green florescent aqua lighting 48"x18"x18" artificial snail shell 4 pcs ,plastic plants,pebbels ,marbel pics etc 72 watts(36+36 watt pll tubes) compact optics florescent tube lights, sobo 3880 roof top filter(2500l/h),sobo 880 roof top filter for activated charcoal and under gravel filter(600l/h),azoo under gravel filter plate 2',atman 300 watt thermostat heater, sobo air pump 3.5 watt (4 l/min) ,sobo magnetic scrubber.
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - ryukin goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - older setup wen i was havin 35 gallon tank about 3.5 years back
fish tank picture - gold community with non aggressive sharks,pelco,snail&turtle
fish tank picture - gold community with non aggressive sharks,pelco,snail&turtle
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - black moor goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - gold community with non aggressive sharks,pelco,snail&turtle
fish tank picture - gold community with non aggressive sharks,pelco,snail&turtle
fish tank picture - gold community with non aggressive sharks,pelco,snail&turtle
fish tank picture - gold community with non aggressive sharks,pelco,snail&turtle
freshwater fish - carrassius auratus - fantail goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - gold community with non aggressive sharks,pelco,snail&turtle
fish tank picture - gold community with non aggressive sharks,pelco,snail&turtle
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - fantail goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - gold community with non aggressive sharks,pelco,snail&turtle
fish tank picture - smaller pelco he is also grown a lot 2 yrs old
freshwater fish - glyptoperichthys gibbiceps - sailfin pleco (l-83) stocking in 68 gallons tank - my most royal and loved one pelco i bought him 4.5 yrs back oldest in my tank also grown to 12" from 1" i love him
fish tank picture - both black mooree with red cap gold (small)
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - telescope goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - Short Body rynchu telescopic golds in my tank
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - telescope goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - smaller one short body raynchu telescopic eye gold
fish tank picture - bala shark,rainbow shark,black moore,orenda gold fish and big leoperd pelco
fish tank picture - subyunkin with rainbow black and bala shark
freshwater fish - galeocerdo cuvier - tiger shark stocking in 68 gallons tank - my both tigers are 2 yrs old wen i bought them they wer 1" now black one is 14" and albino is 11"
freshwater fish - galeocerdo cuvier - tiger shark stocking in 68 gallons tank - black rainbow sharks,behind albino rainbow shark,bala silver sharks,tiger shark and subyunkin gold
freshwater fish - galeocerdo cuvier - tiger shark stocking in 68 gallons tank - both albino and black tiger shark
freshwater fish - epalzeorhynchos frenatus - rainbow shark stocking in 68 gallons tank - rainbow shark and bubble eye gold
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - crown pearlscale goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - small pearlscale gold fish but growing fast
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - shubunkin goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - suyunkin&albino tiger abobe fins of red cap biggi
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - shubunkin goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - almost all the fish are grown in my tank this subyunkin is also that fish he was only few cms wen i brought him 2.5 yrs back nw it is almost fully grown behind pearl scale gold
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - black moor goldfish stocking in 68 gallons tank - telescopic eye black gold (black moore)& bala(silver) shark
corals inverts stocking in 68 gallons tank - my turtle he is 3 yrs old since in my tank
corals inverts - pomacea canaliculata - apple snail stocking in 68 gallons tank - Apple snail he was just 2cm wen he cam to my tank nw he is 1an half yr old and 4 inches
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - fantail goldfish, red stocking in 68 gallons tank - my red gold,bala shark and pelco
fish tank picture - All happy golds with rainbow shark
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - fantail goldfish, red stocking in 68 gallons tank - my red cap big gold,bubble eye gold fish,red gold,& a glimse of large tiger shark
fish tank picture - the old setup of the same tank

Rank Info

Ranked #4838 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 35.44% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.92
This picture has been rated : 13 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

Country: India
Description: 48"x18"x18" artificial snail shell 4 pcs ,plastic plants,pebbels ,marbel pics etc 72 watts(36+36 watt pll tubes) compact optics florescent tube lights, sobo 3880 roof top filter(2500l/h),sobo 880 roof top filter for activated charcoal and under gravel filter(600l/h),azoo under gravel filter plate 2',atman 300 watt thermostat heater, sobo air pump 3.5 watt (4 l/min) ,sobo magnetic scrubber.
Advice: keep the aquarium clean and full of oxygen for healthy fish also try variety of food for the choice of them they will enjoy it and grow faster have happy fish
Fish Kept: 2 orenda gold,4bubble eye,1 pearl sceale,1 subincin gold,2 red cap orenda,2black moore, 2 short body rencyu, 2 pelco, 1 tiger shark,1 albino shark, 2 rainbow shark,2 albino rainbow shark, 5 silver shark(bala shark),4 red gold
Corals/Plants: artifical decoration,apple snail,green turtle
Tank Size: 68 gallons
Quote: fish are the best tension buster
About Yourself: i love my fish so much first i stared with a small bowl with a goldfish about 5 years ago then a 20 gallon then an othe 15 gallon then 2 20 gallon each then a 35 gallon now finally all set up to be comes to 68 gallon and a new 118 gallon is waiting for new members in family prbably discus or parrot fish


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