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This picture looks better than 39.02% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.02
This picture has been rated : 57 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
Dont swear or ill wash your tanks out with soap :P
Fish Kept:
Lounge room tank
1 x Lombardi (yellow)—Male
1 x johanni (blue) male
1 x johanni (orange) female
1 x Hongi (blue – orange)--Male
2 x electric yellow cichlid
4 x flameback cichlid
4 x bristlenose catfish
1 x red empress cichlid
6 x ob zebra (orange) cichlid
4 x saulosi peacock cichlid
2 x jack dempsey
2x Bristle nose cat fish
1 x Zebra obliquiden
1 x Sulpher blaze lithobates
4 x Six Bar Burundi Frontosa
9 x Geen Terrors
3 x electric blue cichlid
2 x blue dolphins
Breeding tanks
1 x convict (black – white)—Male
1 x Lamprologus caudopunctatus
1 x albino convict (pink with black eyes
2 x jack dempsey
paratilapia polleni cichlid
23 x Salousi
8 X Electric Yellows
Demisoni cichlids
Red hump cichlids
2 x Venustus
2 x albino afra
3 x maingaino
Lombardi (blue) – female
Lombardi (yellow) – male
Blue gene jack dempseys
Sunshine peacocks
Breeding couple Jaguar cichlid
Convict fry
Jack Dempsey fry
Johanni fry
Red top ice blue zebra fry
Bren’s tank1
4x cory dora
Mollies (balloon,sailfin,dalmation)
Platies(German Black,micky mouse,gold)
swordtails (neon rainbow,gold)
Blue ram Breeding pair
Bren tank 2
kribensis breeding pair
Keyhole cichlid breeding pair
1 x bolivian butterfly
3 x Phantom catfish
2 x clown loach
2 x Yoyo loach
2 x bristlenose catfish
Lance tank room
1 x Julidochromis ornatus
Cuckoo catfish
8 x Electric yellow
Different plants for appropriate tanks.
Tank Size:
700 gallons
Fish keeping is an addiction,
About Yourself:
2 House mates making alittle bit of doe and having fun breeding fish.