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This picture looks better than 74.1% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.02
This picture has been rated : 45 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
After a long period learning about aquascaping with planted tanks, under the style of Nature Aquarium, I'm now interested in simulating natural habitats with fish and plants from the same geographical area.
Biotopes kept:
West African Biotope |||
French Guyana biotope
Plan carefully before buying the first tank.
Don't start with livebearers, or you'll end up with tens of them, leaving no space for future aquisitions.
It's better to underfeed, than overfeed.
You should have a smaller spare tank to use as an hospital or quarantine aquarium
Fish Kept:
West African Biotope: Pelvicachromis pulcher, Aphyosemion australe, Barbus bariloides ||| French Guyana Biotope: Nannacara anomala, Rosy tetra, otocinclus sp., Corydoras paleatus ||| Other tanks: Dicrossus filamentosus, Paracheirodon innesi, aplocheilus werneri
Anubias barteri, Anubias barteri nana, Anubias barteri nana "petite", Bolbitis heudeloti, Pistia stratioides, Echinodorus tenellus, E. Bleheri, E. Ozelot, crypto wendtii brown
Tank Size:
15 gallons