Photo #2 - My Wonderful Common Goldfish. I Have Them In A 75...

Submitted By: Anthony on
Photo Caption: My wonderful common goldfish. I have them in a 75 Gallon with four dojo loaches. To regular dojos and 2 gold. The goldfish are about 3 years old. Once on the fourth of July the power went out here and it was over 100 dg according to the thermometer on the goldfish tank because the air conditioner was not working. So I got a straw and blew bubbles till I passed out in my room from 12-3 am and constantly got big bags of what ice was left over in the freezer and put them in the tank to do my best to save the goldfish. After the first day and night I went to buy a battery operated air pump and the rest survived. I lost 7 fish to that black out and 2 goldfish. These are the remaining two. And now they are nice happy and big! thanks
fish tank picture - My gray tree frogs in my tank!
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - goldfish stocking in 10 gallons tank - My wonderful common goldfish. I have them in a 75 Gallon with four dojo loaches. To regular dojos and 2 gold. The goldfish are about 3 years old. Once on the fourth of July the power went out here and it was over 100 dg according to the thermometer on the goldfish tank because the air conditioner was not working. So I got a straw and blew bubbles till I passed out in my room from 12-3 am and constantly got big bags of what ice was left over in the freezer and put them in the tank to do my best to save the goldfish. After the first day and night I went to buy a battery operated air pump and the rest survived. I lost 7 fish to that black out and 2 goldfish. These are the remaining two. And now they are nice happy and big! thanks
10 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Hello this is a Frog habitat vivarium it is custom made by myself. This is 10 gallons, about two gallons of water. Those are exotic air plants. That is a standard 10 gallon in tank filter, with red jasper, rose and regular quartz I siliconed on it to make it look more natural. My two gray tree frogs are doing GREAT now I have 8 neon tetras in it and every now and then the frogs try to eat them, sometimes they succeed.

Rank Info

Ranked #5675 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 24.27% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.59
This picture has been rated : 54 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.43

More Info

State: Virginia
Country: United States
Advice: If you have a passion for you hobby you can make anything come true!
Fish Kept: in this tank neons feeder(wild guppies) Beta Splender African dwarf frog and have a 75 g with 2 common goldfish 4 dojos
Corals/Plants: Java moss Java fern Dawrf Hair Grass
Tank Size: 10 gallons
About Yourself: I have been in the hobby of aquariums and such my whole life so about 25 years. I used to work in a LFS and am very learned on the subject. I even make green water. ;-) I have had every major kind of tank and now just like to dabble it's funny I just purchased a brand spakin new 75 for my two feeder goldies. How bad is that? I have 8 tanks.


love your story, but very sad too! :( im a big fan of goldies myself they are real characters and very special. fish avatar


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