More Info
United Kingdom
5ft x2x2 with sump, spray bar at the back for max water flow, 4 t5 and to t8, 2 power heads on the center wier for nore flow,
take your time dnt rush and dont buy cheap crap
Fish Kept:
coral cat shark, 2 lion fish, fox face and a regal tang soon to have a sting ray and an eel,i did use to have 2 coral catsharks but i lost one to a goiter which woz guttering!!
torch coral, pulsing xeina toadstools x 2 and a finger leather. more to be added soon
Tank Size:
130 gallons
let me just do this
About Yourself:
use to keep tropical fish for a while and got bored of the colours etc.. so brought a 3ft marine tank which i had for a while then brought a baby coral catshark. then final brought my new tank for my sharkk which is 5ft x 2 x 2.