More Info
United States
75 gallons 25.5 height x 48.5 wide x 18 in depth.
1x Aquaclear 70
1x API Superclean 50
1x 300w heater
1x 50w heater
1x 12in air bar
1x Current Led plus
Start with good hardy fish, Gouramies (female), Mollies( male), Platys(male), Tetras, and I suggest you Go Big! Buy the biggest tank you can get, because I guarantee, you will want to upgrade and get more fish as you become more established. Weekly water changes is very important, keeps your tank looking nice, and keeps your fish happy and healthy. Don?t give up if you hit a couple of bumps, just keep going! Before you know it this will be second nature for you.
Fish Kept:
Opaline Gourami, Gold Gourami, Pearl Gourami, Black Molly, Silver Molly, White Skirt Tetra, Platy, Sterba's Cory, Zebra Angelfish, Dwarf Gourami, Electric Blue Ram, Red Tail Shark, Bala Shark, Indian Dwarf Puffer
Some Artificial, Some Live plants.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
"Be prepared and be honest."
About Yourself:
Just an average Joe with a Beautiful Family... Won a Goldfish for my son at the County fair, and a Fish Enthusiast was born!