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The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
I have a 40 gal. tall (reef) in my bedroom. It has a 65 watt coralife compact flourecent light, a fluval 304,(I wish I had a sump) Primz proten skimmer rated for a 100gal.,a stealth heater, and a maxi-jet 600
Only God can garantee life. Stick with it. The satisfaction of owning a tank makes it worth all the trouble in the end.
Fish Kept:
Coral Beauty, Green Goby, 2 False Percula Clowns, Sixline Wrasse, and a Baby Hippo Tang
Large Pulsing Xenia, Many Mushrooms,(Green Stripped, Spotted, Watermelon, and Frilly) StarBurst Polyps, Small Super Color Colony Polyps,
Small Colt Leather, Small Clove Polyps
Tank Size:
40 gallons
"only God can garantee life"
About Yourself:
I started to really getting in to the hobby when I was only 14 years old. I got a job at a local fish store to fund my hobby. My dad got me started when i was younger than that, helping to clean his tanks. Long story short we stopped talking and I missed having tanks around. So at age 14 I got my tank up and I have it to this day.