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Small 2 x 1 tank doing 8 - 10 gls.
River gravels (colored, white and mix Big)
I'm still learning. and each day u learn something from it.
Best is to read, ask questions, read and ask questions. Don't trust those shop owners too much, best is to look for Mom & Dad kept shops. they'll supply with good advice and are always willing to give a helping help and or ideas.
Read and read and read, and ask and ask.. never stop reading and asking, most people are ready to help or guide you on specific items.
I always listen to people and gather on what each one said and i try to compile all into one possible solution, it sure works..
Fish Kept:
2 Mollies
4 Platties.
8 Neon Tetras
2 Bala Sharks (silver)
2 Blue Dwarf Gouramis
I guess these would be enough for this small tank.
Comments plz.
PS: only one dwarf gourami is living now.. all other fish died or "disappeared"??
I'm buying Artificial for the small tank.
I prefer to stay with artificial, until i get a bigger tank.
The new tank will be ready beginning January 2007.
This one will be a planted tankl, i'm planning on the design beforehand..
I'm planning for a peaceful lake or river setup.. help needed, comments and ideas most appreciated.
The tank will be
L: 36in W: 18in H: 21in
giving me approximately 59GL
I'm planning for a DIY CO2, but not too sure on the diffuser part and how to control co2 emmission in the tank.
Tank Size:
16 gallons
Live and let live
About Yourself:
I really like to see beautiful fishes in a tank..
Its so lovely..
Planning for a bigger tank approx 50 -75 gallons or more.. That's gonna be a real challenge.