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The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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United States
i have t5 two double bulbed 65 watss easch. UV sterlizer 5 watss. Tetra Ex70 whisper filter. 40 pound of live rock. two occelaris clown fish one tomato clown fish one coral beauty angel fish one cleaner shrimp 4 turbo snails 6 hermit crabs one green bubble coral three brian coral one rose aneomone one white bubbled coral one gonipora coral one flower pot coral one tree like coral.
if your gonna do a tank do it the right way. its expensive but well worth it.
Fish Kept:
two occelaris clown fish one tomato clown fish one coral beauty angel fish one cleaner shrimp 4 turbo snails 6 hermit crabs
one green bubble coral three brian coral one rose aneomone one white bubbled coral one gonipora coral one flower pot coral one tree like coral.
Tank Size:
40 gallons