Rank Info
This picture looks better than 36.23% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.94
This picture has been rated : 51 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
United States
Tank ~1
Planted south american biotope.
4 discus currently.
1 satanoperca Deamon
9 corydoras trinineatus
3 pair mikrogeophaus ramirezi.
Tank ~ 2
Breeding pair Aequidens Rivulatus ~ 60 gallons
tank ~ 3
Breeding pair archocentrus Centrarchus
Tank ~ 4
Mbuna tank (currently being setup)
Research your fish before purchasing. Dont purchase on impulse and only buy from professional well reputed stores.
Fish Kept:
American cichlids.
Plants from the Central to Southern reaches on America.
Tank Size:
150 gallons
Let acid rain fall onto the petsmart people.
About Yourself:
My name is Dan Robbins. I am a college student from Wales Uk.
I have been keeping cichlids for many years and work in Maidenhead aquatics.
I am an author, currently writing a book on South American cichlds.
I have kept an bred a wide range of cichlids including the reasonably rare Arhocentrus Centrarchus or Flier cichlid.
I try to decorate my tank in the most natural way possible and belelive strongly any fish keeper
should do the same. Not only does it have a truely
stunning visual appeal but is beneficial for the fish
being kept.