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This picture looks better than 24.52% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.18
This picture has been rated : 157 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.99
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United States
2 Emperor 400, 1 fission protein skimmer 105 gal, 2- 40watt Fluorescent bulbs 1 marine glo and 1 sun-glo
gonna upgrade to a 150gal soon next year its gonna be a reef tank
do your water changes it helps a whole lot and make sure you take your time on the acclimation you will save yourself alot of money trust me dont be in a hurry so slow the fuck down and dont mix things that might go together trust me shit will go wrong
Fish Kept:
1-3 Stripe Damsel; 2-Blue Damsels;1-Volitan Lionfish; 1-Blue Hippo Tang; 1-Sailfin Tang; 1-Yellow Tang; 1-Sixline Wrasse
none yet
Tank Size:
60 gallons
fuck my lion fish ate another fish
About Yourself:
well i am the pool man i got into this hobby cause i am able to recreate what took GOD million of years to do but only will take me a few months