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This picture looks better than 75.61% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.08
This picture has been rated : 62 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
125gal, 2XEheim 2026proII, Discus, White Clouds, Clown Loaches, Otocinclus Catfish, Sterbai Corycats, Bushynose Pleco, and Amano Shrimps. Crispy Crinums and several types of cryptocorynes.
Take care of your water and your water will take care of your fish ;)
Fish Kept:
Discus, White Clouds, Clown Loaches, Otocinclus Catfish, 4 types of Corycats, Bushynose Pleco and Amano Shrimps.
Crispy Crinums, Onion plants, Dwarf Anubia, Cryptocoryne Siamensis, Cryptocoryne Parva, Cryptocryne Walkeri, Cryptocoryne Wendtii, and Anubias Nana.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
I don't have one
About Yourself:
Hello, I first got into fish keeping when I fishsat my inlaws two 15 year old fish (plain white Goldfish and a very large Pleco). That did it for me...I was hooked. I now mostly keep Discus and I love the way they watch you as much as you watch them.
Happy fish keeping :)