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This picture looks better than 61.17% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.62
This picture has been rated : 13 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Tank size : 4Lx2Hx1.5W
Filters: 2 Internal filters
Water changes: Once a week(30%)
Lights:72W PL lights, 16 Watts LED array.
Regular vacuum gravel + 10-30% water change every week. Regular fertilizer dosage after water change. Keep experimenting with fishes - I have 4 red devils in the same tank without any problems.... Occasionally the bigger one chases the others but no physical harm though...
My luck with plants succeeded when I got my 76W PL lights and started dosing fertilizer(Potassium)
Fish Kept:
4 Red devil, 2 Plecos, 3 Rams, 2 blood parrots, 3 Auratus cichlids, 2 red zebra, 2 firemouth, 2 cobalt zeba, 1 giant gaurami, 2 five bar cichlids, 1 rose barb.
Hornwort, hydrilla, banana lily, amazon sword,balansae, cabomba, dwarf hairgrass, crypt, banana plant
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Try experimenting
About Yourself:
1 year into fishkeeping.