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This picture looks better than 88.03% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.64
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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46gal freshwater tank, lots of rocks, driftwood, plastic plants, caves, Ehiem filter, fluval heater & aerator
Research Research Research!!!!! you can't read enough! & don'talways believe what the people working at the pet store say - they don't always know the facts!
Don't feel bad if a fish doesn't work in your tank & you have to take it back to the store - its usually the best thing to do rather than having problems!
Fish Kept:
2 Oranda
1 Fantail goldfish
1 Pearscale goldfish
1 Ranchu goldfish
1 sailfin pleco
2 small zebra danios
2 blue longfin danios
2 chinese butterfly loches(or the various other names they fall under)
2 mystery/apple snails
1 zebra snail
only plastic bc of snails & goldfish
Tank Size:
46 gallons
About Yourself:
Have had betta's in the past a year ago decided to get a small tank & pretty soon was additcted to the hobby!!!
Also never knew I was a goldfish person & have since changed my tank into a goldfish tank :)