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The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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United States
Custom Full Reef Tank, with built in Refugium. 36"x24"x20"....LxHxW. 100lbs of live rock and less than an inch deep of sand. Lighting is provided by a Current Orbit Series 36" Metal Halide/ Actinic Lighting fixture. (1150w HQI 14,000k, 2x96w Actinic, 4 Moon white LEDs) The best light I ever bought! Also a CPR Skimmer with a 1700 L/Hr flow rate.
Stick with it. It can get expensive, but the money and time is well worth that first......"Wow this tank looks amazing!" or that "I have never seen this before, I didn't even know the oceans had this much life!" Blah blah blah....
Fish Kept:
1 Hippo Tang, 1 Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown, 3 Blue/green Chromis, 1 Purple fire fish, 1 Dragon Goby, 1 Yellow tang, 2 Pajama cardinals, 1 Yellow gumdrop goby, various crabs and snails.
Rose Bubble Anemone, Large Colt Coral, 3 clams, orange zoos, green zoos, Neon green frogspawn, Purple frogspawn, White Xenia, Long tenticle Xenia, Neon green hammer coral, Metalic orange Mushrooms, Green mushrooms, Green tip torch coral, Green Candy coral,
Tank Size:
75 gallons
"Life is like a box of chocolates, but reefing is like actually eatting the chocolates."
About Yourself:
Helped out at an aquarium shop for about 6 months, learned a ton about reefing, from there decided that I wanted to get in to the hobby, my friend eric set up a 55 gallon marine tank, from there I had to up the anty so I went to a 75 custom tank, never looked back.