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Country: United Kingdom
Description: Diy project done September 2007, The main tank is 10ft long x 16" high x 15" depth. The stand is made of 2" X 2" steel box section and will hold the weight of over 2 tonnes,On top of that is a timber flat base and polystyrene. All the doors are pine and painted. The hood is pine and primed and painted. The glass is 8mm thick but the bottom has an extra section (which is 16mm smaller than the base) thus forming and corner to bond the sides to. Used six tubes of top quality silicone. But was still petrified when I GRADUALLY filled it. (No leaks. phew!!)There are 4 x 42" t5 lights and the condensation tray is made from poly carbon and cut into 6 sections with handles fitted for ease of access to any section of the tank. The are 2 filters (1 xFX5 and one fluval 405. I have now gone away from using gravel as substrate and use silica sand instead, have used this for the five years and regardless of what you read about it being no good for plants I have found that my plants have flourished since changing to sand. (update 2015) there is now a lot of bogwood on show, the reason for this is that underneath the bogwood is some polycarbon caves which I have made myself and these have a layer of sand 50mm deep on top for planting. The caves are to house my clown loaches which are now about 7" long. The bogwood is actually screwed to the caves from inside with stainless steel screws. The Clownies seem happy in the caves (hardly ever see them) but they do come out in the day when the lights go off for a couple of hours and their pellets are dropped in. The tank below is just a 3 foot one with a few catfish and siamese fighters which have bred.
Advice: Spend plenty of time observing your fish and don't forget to do regular water changes of around 15 to 20% once or twice a week, I do it twice a week. I now use RO water because I have tested my tap water and found that it is high in nitrate. I have my own RO filtration unit and also use the water for making cups of tea, which I must tell you tastes far better than tap water. Another thing to remember is always wash your filters in a bucket of water that you have just drained from your tank and NOT under the tap, if you have more than one filter as I do then you can clean one and leave the other for a month, this way you will always have good bacteria in one of them. There is plenty of good info on the net now, so just read up and filter the info to suit your particular needs.
Fish Kept: Main Tank Panda catfish -20 ish Bronze catfish -6 Peppered catfish - 8 Albino catfish - 8 Neon Tetra -20 Glowlight Tetra - 2 Black Emperor Tetra - 6 Silver Dollar - 2 Clown loach - 4 Zebra Danio - 8 Black Widows-2 Harlequins - 10 Rummy nose Tetra - 6 Humbug catfish- 1 Koi Angels - 2 Golden loach - 2 Khuli loaches - 8 Bottom tank 3 bronze cory's 3 albino catfish 1 female siamese (mum and dad have passed now) 1 sucking loach 20 neon tetras.
Corals/Plants: loads of assorted
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Quote: Don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow.(Only joking, of course)
About Yourself: Have kept a tropical tank for around 30 years and it's that long ago I can't remember what got me into it, probably the beauty of the fish in particular the Siamese Fighting Fish which I managed to breed a few years back. Sat up until around 2.30 am watching them fertilize the eggs and put them into the bubble nest. In general I just love keeping fish and find it rewarding once the tank is all set up and planted out well, the latter being the hardest to do for me. Pete.


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