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The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
42" x 36" x 32" 210 Gallon Visual Masterpiece. 1/3HP Chiller, 30W UV Sterilizer, 300lbs Live Rock, 2 - 400W Metal Halides, 2 - 96 Watt PC, 3000gph Pump, 70 Gallon Sump, Koralia 4.
This is m first Saltwater Reef Tank. Watch Out For the Sucker Stage!!!, Don't rush into anything. All fish must eat before you purchase. I cannot begin to tell you how may fish were lost because they never ate.
Fish Kept:
Purple Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, 2 Black Saddleback Clownfish, Bi-Color Pseudochromis, Purple Queen Anthia, Bi-Color Blenny, Tiger jawfish, Blue Jaw Trigger, Yellow Coris Wrasse, Spotted Leopard Wrasse, 2 Purple Firefish. and Red Mandarin, Melanaurus Wrasse, 3 Purple Tilefish. Snails, hermits, conchs, etc. All fish peacefully getting along surprising.
6 Differennt Frogspawn Colonies, Hammers, Wesslophylia Brain, Green Bubble, Reg Bubble, Blueberry Gorgonian, Nuclear Green Candy Cane, Alvepora, Pulsating Xenia, Purple Green Lobo, Toadsool Leather, Red, purple mushrooms, Blatmusso, Galaxea Coral, Torches, etc
Tank Size:
210 gallons
Make sure the fish you pick are eating like Sharks!!!
About Yourself:
I am a software consultant in Beverly Hills. 5 months in the game. It has been a real struggle but now the aquarium has settled. It sure is a pure enjoyment. I wish the world could see in person. Pics don't do justice.