Rank Info
This picture looks better than 87.99% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.64
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
i havntusea power filter as i dont like tyheturbulance caused by it..i have a boyu thermostat.and a sponge filter.
make fish keeping ur passion n not just a hobby...try to get as much information as u can...
Fish Kept:
Danisoni, threadfin rainbow, Harlequin rasbora, Half beak, Black ghost, Discus, Tuxedo angel, Upside down catfish, etc....
15-16 types of aquatic plants...anubias, java moss, sagitteria, etc...
Tank Size:
12 gallons
About Yourself:
i am a fish lover since last 15 years n i wud love if anybody wud lke to share any information about fises, plants, setup etc...