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United Kingdom
50x18x26 malawi tank built into the wall. 1x tetratec ex1200 and 1xeheim 2217 external filters, hydor external heater,200lph air pump. 2x 54w t5 lights.
black moon sand with blue slate rocks and a couple of plants
50% weekly water changes, make sure all of your fish are feeding well, if not then cut the amount and feed twice daily. watch water parameters carefully. if the fish are happy they will breed
Fish Kept:
4 pseudotropheus elongatus mpanga, 4 dnumbi redtops+fry,2x yellow labs, 2x Otopharynx Lithobates 4x sp44, 4 auloncara malauna f1,4 auloncara usisya f1, 4 firefish ice, 4 auloncara sunsets, 4 auloncara jacobfreibergis, 1 sail fin plec and 2 zebra snails
Tank Size:
84 gallons
About Yourself:
first got into the hobby when i was a young boy, my best friends dad kept a 180l fish tank at the end of there dining room table. i loved watching them swim about. 6 years later i built my own tank into the wall and now have 3 tanks.
im 21 and im a mechanic to trade