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This picture looks better than 56.73% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.49
This picture has been rated : 45 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
United Kingdom
70 Gallon freshwater tank, filtered by a fluval 3 external, lighted with 2 4ft beauty lights
get the biggest tank you can afford as once you get started you'll always want bigger
Fish Kept:
1 Albino Oscar, 1 Jack Dempsey, 2 Convicts, 1 Orange spot plec, 1 yet un-named L Plec, 1 Ansitrus Bristlenose, 1 Pictus Catfish, 5 Mollies
Java Fern, Bamboo, 2 forms of grass, many pieces of bogwood to keep plecs happy!
Tank Size:
70 gallons
About Yourself:
Hi, I've been keeping tropical fish for a while now, also have a malawi set up with built up tufa rock, some hair grass and many beautiful malawis...