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United States
We actually have two aquariums, one is 100 gallons. It currently houses our awesome 13" (AND STILL GROWING) Pacu, a rescued Pacu that is 2", a 3" Jack Dempsey, two Plecos an 8" and a 4", a 6" Peacock Cichlid, a 3" Blue Cobalt Cichlid, a pair of 4" Green Severums, and a 2" Khouli Loach. We also have a 40 gallon breeder tank which currently houses two female Peacock Cichlids and one male. We hope they will breed. Our large Pacu is very passive and loves to be pet, while the Peacock Cichlid in the same community thinks the entire 100 gallons is simply ALL HIS!
I am actually fairly new to being an aquarium hobbyist, and truth be told if it wasn't for our Pacu I never would have gotten in this deep, but I sure am glad I have! I started out with a 10 gallon tank that housed 2 hatchling red-eared sliders. Once they got to about half dollar size we got our Jack Dempsey and the smallest of our Plecos. Then, while I was at Petco my eye caught sight of this cute lil thang they call a Red-Bellied Pacu. The lady told me he may be cute now but he'll "grow to be the size of a tire". Silly me didn't believe, but here I am less than a year later upgraded x 10 for him. (my new hobbyist advice: Do not take on a Pacu unless you are willing to buy its needs. I hear and see people constantly selling these or giving them away because they have 'outgrown' their owners aquariums. THEY GET HUGE and are GREAT fish, but they don't deserve to be handed off and stressed out because of our human mistakes. Think before you buy!!)
Fish Kept:
In the 100 gallon:
2 Red-Bellied Pacu's
2 Pleco's
2 Green Severums
1 Jack Dempsey
1 Peacock Cichlid
1 Blue Cobalt Cichlid
1 Khouli Loach
In the 40 gallon:
2 Female Peacock Cichlid's
1 Male Peacock Cichlid
We use plastic plants, as Pacu would eat the real ones!
Tank Size:
100 gallons
This too, shall pass. - GOD
About Yourself:
I got into hobbying because of turtles. Once the turtles were big and strong, we released them but I wasn't through with fish. They are my relaxation! I enjoy them thoroughly and they always make me smile! I am currently waiting to hear back from the Memphis Fire Department to see if I will be in their October 2009 hiring class. I want to save people. I suppose until that time, I will continue saving fish!